Within the scope of Ecocork, a joint European Union project, researchers from different countries came together and held a meeting.
They also visited the Vecihi Hürkuş Aviation Museum and Technology Park, where our department also had the opportunity to give lectures.
-Spain (Catalan Institute of Cork)
Albert Hereu
Maria Verdum
-Poland ( Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Assoc. Prof. Mariusz Ptak
Ph.D Marek Sawicki
-Lithuania (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)
Virginija Leonaviciute (Virginija Havacılık eğitim merkezi yöneticisi)
Prof. Melih Cemal Kuşhan
Assoc. Prof. Selim Gürgen
Assoc. Prof. M. Alper Sofuoğlu