Fiber-Reinforced Polymers: Processes and Applications

Editör: Doç. Dr. Selim GÜRGEN

Kitap Açıklaması (İngilizce):

Fiber-reinforced polymers play an important role in the progress of materials science. Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Processes and Applications presents the science of fiber-reinforced polymer composites from the manufacturing stage to applications. Apart from the fabrication of the composites, machinability properties are also discussed. This book considers both natural and synthetic fibers in polymer composites, as well as discusses their utility for different sectors such as automotive, aviation and biomedical engineering. In addition to the overview of fiber-reinforced polymers, engineering properties of these materials are discussed. This book also discusses the impact of environmental aspects such as moisture uptake on the properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Since nano-engineering is a hot topic in the field of composites, the benefits of nano-fibers are discussed, as well as their fabrication methods, properties and applications. Moreover, fiber selections in polymer matrices are discussed by considering the interactions between fibers and matrices, as well as taking application fields into account.

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